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Location: JB, Johor, Malaysia

building my own dream's castle and still exploring the different world and people around me.. like to travel around.. love foods.. love my family and friends.. hate jerks & garlics

Sunday, March 26, 2006


  • 物名:布袋莲
  • 茎: 草质茎
  • 地点:水生植物
  • 摄影原因: 每每在科学补习时, 拼命解释这植物的特征给两个小瓜听.. 希望能让他们的小小脑袋里能想象出它的样子.
  • 现在终于让我找到它了... "Shawn & 静颖这植物就是{布袋莲} :)"

it has been a long time i keep describe this plant to my cousins, can't show them the real plant, nowdays it's so hard to find this plant in this city...
finally, i found it.. but sorry cousins.. i cant bring the real plant to you...


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